HMR16S Healthy

The HMP performed 16S short variable region sequencing on over 10,000 samples collected from 15-18 body sites from 300 healthy human subjects. For more detail, see Microbiome Analyses. Here we provide access to raw 16S reads and metadata corresponding to all healthy human samples sequenced by the consortium, including a subset of 5034 samples described in a series of 2012 publications (see the 'Published Data' tab for more information), as well as all subsequently sequenced samples. Raw reads are available as a single .sff file per SRA run (SRR). Metadata is available as a compressed directory of library metadata (.lmd) files, with one file per run. Metadata fields include NCBI SRA run accession, sequencing center, barcode and primer information, and body site. See the SOP for a complete list of fields contained in this file.

Trimmed, deconvoluted 16S fasta files are available at HM16STR.

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